How to share capabilities between apps#

New in version 4.0.

To understand how to use the app registration system, lets use an example. Let’s say our INSTALLED_APPS include these three apps:


The pink_cms_admin is an app that extends the cms by making apps, that are accordingly configured, to have a pink admin. To do that, it would define a pink_cms_admin/ file, which would look like this:

from cms.app_base import CMSAppExtension

from pink_cms_admin import make_admin_pink

class PinkAdminCMSExtension(CMSAppExtension):

    def configure_app(self, cms_config):
         # Do anything you need to do to each app that wants to be pink

The blog_posts app wants to be pink and wants to have pony icons everywhere. So it would define blog_posts/ like this:

from cms.app_base import CMSAppConfig

class BlogPostsCMSConfig(CMSAppConfig):
    # To enable functionality define an attribute like <app_label>_enabled
    # and set it to True
    pink_cms_admin_enabled = True
    pony_cms_icons_enabled = True

    # pony_cms_icons also has additional settings. These are defined here.
    pony_cms_icons_pony_colours = ['purple', 'pink']
    pony_cms_icons_ponies_with_wings = True

The pony_cms_icons app lets other apps have pony icons everywhere, but also wants to have a pink admin. So it would define pony_cms_icons/ like this:

from django.core.exceptions import ImproperlyConfigured

from cms.app_base import CMSAppConfig, CMSAppExtension

from pony_cms_icons import add_pony_icons

class PonyIconsCMSConfig(CMSAppConfig):
    pink_cms_admin_enabled = True

class PonyIconsCMSExtension(CMSAppExtension):

    def configure_app(self, cms_config):
         # Do anything you need to do to each app that wants to have
         # pony icons here

         # As pony icons defines additional settings, you will also need to check
         # for any required settings here
         pony_colours = getattr(cms_config, 'pony_cms_icons_pony_colours', None)
         if not pony_colours:
             raise ImproperlyConfigured(
                 "Apps that use pony_cms_icons, must define pony_cms_icons_pony_colours")
         ponies_with_wings = getattr(cms_config, 'pony_cms_icons_ponies_with_wings', False)

         add_pony_icons(cms_config.django_app, pony_colours, ponies_with_wings)

The configure_app() method, as is already apparent, takes one param - cms_config. cms_config is an instance of an app’s CMSAppConfig class. In addition to that you can also access the django app object (as defined in the app’s by using cms_config.app_config. In this way you can access attributes that django provides (such as label, verbose_name etc.).

The configure_app() method is run once for every django cms app that declares a feature as enabled.

If an app asks for a feature of another app that is not installed this feature is simply ignored. This in turn implies that you cannot assume that the feature you request in a CMSAppConfig is also available. Therefore, make sure your app’s code also runs without that feature or check if your providing app is present in your CMSAppConfig and raise an ImproperlyConfigured exception if it is missing.